Feb 24, 2012

Restoration project update

Our first restoration work party at Saltwater Park was a huge success. We removed the Scot's Broom from two-thirds of our design site with the help of our amazing volunteers. Everyone was working really hard together to remove and haul away the invasive plants. An enormous THANK YOU goes out to the volunteers who came out to help as well as to Richmond Beach QFC and Starbucks for providing refreshments for the event. We are well on our way to restoring the native landscape. Stay tuned for more updates!
Here is the site before we started working. Note the dense Scot's Broom growth.
The UW-REN team designing and coordinating the project   

We love our volunteers!
Hauling away the Scot's Broom
After the restoration work party!
Pausing for a quick group shot
The restoration crew

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